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sabato 1 giugno 2024

Riff Più Noti Scritti Da Hanneman e King (Slayer)

E' difficile dire con precisione quali riff sono stati scritti da Jeff Hanneman e quali da Kerry King (chitarristi storici degli Slayer). La gran parte dei riff sono stati scritti da Jeff Hanneman, invece Kerry King partecipava maggiormente ai testi. Altri riff sono stati semplicemente co-scritti da entrambi i chitarristi (Hell Awaits, Captor Of Sin, Criminally Insane, Epidemic, Mandatory Suicide, Hallowed Point, Divine Intervention, Bloodline, Stain Of Mind). Alcuni iconici o di anni più recenti vengono comunque riportati qui di seguito. Per approfondire: La Storia Degli Slayer: Nazismo, Satanismo e La Morte Di Hanneman

Jeff Hanneman (1981-2013)
-Die By The Sword (Show No Mercy, 1983)
-Fight 'til Death (Show No Mercy, 1983)
-The Antichrist (Show No Mercy, 1983)
-Chemical Warfare (Haunting the Chapel EP, 1984)
-Captor Of Sin (Haunting the Chapel EP, 1984)
-At Dawn They Sleep (Hell Awaits, 1985)
-Necrophiliac (Hell Awaits, 1985)
-Angel Of Death (Reign in Blood, 1986)
-Raining Blood (Reign in Blood, 1986)
-Postmortem (Reign in Blood, 1986)
-Necrophobic (Reign in Blood, 1986)
-Jesus Saves (Reign in Blood, 1986)
-Silent Scream (South of Heaven, 1988)
-Ghosts Of War (South of Heaven, 1988)
-Read Between The Lies (South of Heaven, 1988)
-Spill The Blood (South of Heaven, 1988)
-South Of Heaven (South of Heaven, 1988)
-War Ensemble (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-Dead Skin Mask (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-Seasons In The Abyss (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-Expendable Youth (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-Blood Red (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-213 (Divine Intervention, 1994)
-Killing Fields (Divine Intervention, 1994)
-Gemini (Undisputed Attitude, 1996)
-Bitter Peace (Diabolus in Musica, 1998)
-Death's Head (Diabolus in Musica, 1998)
-Disciple (God Hates Us All, 2001)
-God Send Death (God Hates Us All, 2001)
-Seven Faces (God Hates Us All, 2001)
-Jihad (Christ Illusion, 2006)
-Eyes Of The Insane (Christ Illusion, 2006)
-Final Six (Christ Illusion, 2006)
-Psychopathy Red (World Painted Blood, 2009)
-Beauty Through Order (World Painted Blood, 2009)
-World Painted Blood (World Painted Blood, 2009)

Hanneman era noto per riff più complessi e maligni, spesso con un tono meno veloce ma più oscuro e atmosferico. 

Kerry King (1981-2019)
-Evil Has No Boundaries (Show No Mercy, 1983)
-Black Magic (Show No Mercy, 1983)
-Show No Mercy (Show No Mercy, 1983)
-Kill Again (Hell Awaits, 1985)
-Praise Of Death (Hell Awaits, 1985)
-Piece By Piece (Reign in Blood, 1986)
-Born Of Fire (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-Skeletons Of Society (Seasons in the Abyss, 1990)
-Temptation (Divine Intervention, 1994)
-Dittohead (Divine Intervention, 1994)
-War Zone (Diabolus in Musica, 1998)
-Scrum (Diabolus in Musica, 1998)
-In The Name Of God (God Hates Us All, 2001)
-New Faith (God Hates Us All, 2001)
-Payback (God Hates Us All, 2001)
-Cult (Christ Illusion, 2006)
-Flesh Storm (Christ Illusion, 2006)
-Catalyst (Christ Illusion, 2006)
-Hate Worldwide (World Painted Blood, 2009)
-Repentless (Repentless, 2015) 
-You Against You (Repentless, 2015) 
-Pride In Prejudice (Repentless, 2015)

I riff di King tendono ad essere più brutali e diretti, maggiormente focalizzati sulla velocità e sull'aggressività. King è anche noto per i suoi assoli caotici e velocissimi che ricordiamo bene in "Reign In Blood".

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